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Allophylus cobbe (L.) Forsyth f.
Scientific Synonyms:

Previous name used in the website: Allophylus cobbe
Family name: SAPINDACEAE
English name: Indian Allophylus
Tit Berry
Sinhala name: Kobbe (කොබ්බෑ)
Bu kobbe (බූ කොබ්බෑ)
Tamil name: Amarai
Sanskrit name: Triputa
Conservation status: LC - Least Concerned - NRL - 2020
Description: Much-branched shrub or small tree. Leaves 3-foliolate, the central larger than the laterals; leaflets ovate, elliptic or elliptic-ovate, 3 - 13.5 X 2 - 7.5 cm, rounded, obtuse or truncate or cuneate at base, apex acute-acuminate, margin irregularly crenulate, serrulate to serrate, softly pubescent, especially on lower side, semicoriaceous, occasionally glabrous.panicles axillary, 6 - 12 cm long, spiciform, with scattered clusters of 2 - 5 flowered, subsessile cymules, flowers greenish white. Ripe carpel usually solitary (one abortive), subglobose, ovoid to ellipsoid, 5 - 6 X 4 - 5 mm, bright-red, glabrescent.
Native Distribution Status: Native
Edible parts: Fruit
Treatment for:  Fracture
Parts used in Treatment: Roots
All parts of the plants
Related Medical Properties: Astringent
Further Information: Kew Garden’s Medicinal Plant Names Services

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