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Madhuca longifolia (J.Koenig ex L.) J.F.Macbr.
Scientific Synonyms:

Previous name used in the website: Madhuca longifolia
Family name: SAPOTACEAE
English name: Mousey Mi
South Indian Mahua
Mowra Butter Tree
Indian Butter Tree
Sinhala name: Mee (මී)
Tamil name: Kaattu
Sanskrit name: Madhuca
Conservation status: LC - Least Concerned - NRL - 2020
Description: Tree, up to about 20 m tall; young parts pubescent; trunk short, stout; crown dense, spreading; bark grey-blackish. Leaves 12-23 cm long, 4-12 cm broad; petiole short. Flowers yellowish white, fleshy, in dense fascicles near the end of branches; pedicles slender, drooping near the end of branches. Fruit ovate, 2.5-5 cm long, green, yellowish when ripened. Seeds 1-4 crustaceous.
Native Distribution Status: Native
Edible parts: Available soon
Treatment for: Urticaria
Snake-bite poisoning
Skin diseases
Glandular swelling in the neck & throat 
Parts used in Treatment: Available soon
Related Medical Properties: Antidote
Further Information: Kew Garden’s Medicinal Plant Names Services

Image will be available soon