Merremia hederacea (Burm.f.) Hallier f.
Scientific Synonyms:
Previous name used in the website: |
Merremia hederacea |
Family name: |
English name: |
Ivy Woodrose
Sinhala name: |
Kaha thelkola (කහ තැල්කොළ)
Tamil name: |
Elikkatutalai Yelikkaadhu Thazhai
Sanskrit name: |
Available soon
Conservation status: |
LC - Least Concerned - NRL - 2020
Description: |
Vines. Leaves ovate in outline, 1.5 - 5 cm long, broadly cordate basally, usually obtuse and mucronulate apically, the margins entire, crenate, shallowly lobed or deeply 3 -lobed, glabrous or sparsely pubescent. Inflorescence 1 - to several flowered, dichasial and often aalso monochasial. Fruit capsular, broadly conical to depressed-globose. Seeds blackish short-pubescent or nearly glabrous over the whole surface, or with longer trichomes along the edges.
Native Distribution Status: |
Edible parts: |
Available soon
Treatment for: |
Wounds Ulcers
Parts used in Treatment: |
Related Medical Properties: |
Image will be available soon