Scientific Synonyms:
Janipha aipi (Pohl) J.Presl Janipha manihot (L.) Kunth
Previous name used in the website: |
Manihot esculenta |
Family name: |
English name: |
Manioc Tapioca Cassava Mandioca Brazil Arrowroot Para Arrowroot Rio Arrowroot Yuca
Sinhala name: |
Mangnokka (මඤ්ඤොක්කා ) Maiokka (මයියොක්කා )
Tamil name: |
Maravallikkilanku Allvalli Kizhangu
Sanskrit name: |
Tarukandah Kalpakandah
Conservation status: |
NE - Not Evaluated - Due to exotic origin
Description: |
tall semiwoody perennial shrub or tree can grow more than 20 ft (6.1 m) tall. Leaves palmately compound, dark green, foot or more across and have 5-9 lobes. The petioles (leaf stems) are very long, up to 24 in (61 cm) long and they are red as are the stems.
Native Distribution Status: |
Only under cultivation
Edible parts: |
Tuber and young leaves
Treatment for: |
Small pox Chicken pox Skin rashes Measles Ulcers Eye conditions Rheumatism Fevers Headache Constipation
Parts used in Treatment: |
Tubers Leaves
Related Medical Properties: |
Anti -cancer