Bauhinia tomentosa L.
Scientific Synonyms:
Previous name used in the website: |
Bauhinia tomentosa |
Family name: |
English name: |
Yellow Orchid Tree St. Thomas Tree Yellow Bauhinia Bell Bauhinia
Sinhala name: |
Kaha pethan (කහ පෙතන්) Pethan (පෙතන්)
Tamil name: |
Tiruvathi Tiruvatti
Sanskrit name: |
Pita Kovidaara Pita Kanchanara
Conservation status: |
LC - Least Concerned - NRL - 2020
Description: |
Shrub or small tree, to about 8 m tall. Leaves conduplicate, (1 - ) 2 - 10 X 1.5 - 7 (- 11) cm, bilobed from apex to about 1/3 of way down, the lobes rounded at the apex, the base somewhat cordate, glabrous on both surfaces, or moderately appressed-pubescent beneath, moderately reticulate beneath. Inflorescence racemose, terminal on new growth, later leaf opposed, pseudo-axillary, flower yellowish. Fruit indehiscent, glabrous, many seeded. Seeds oblong, compressed, black.
Native Distribution Status: |
Edible parts: |
Available soon
Treatment for: |
Liver diseases Tumours Cancers Naso-pharyngeal diseases Kidney diseases Skin Diseases Diarrhoea Dysentery Venomous stings, bites
Parts used in Treatment: |
Barks Fruits Leaves Flowers
Related Medical Properties: |
Generally healing Laxatives Diuretics
Image will be available soon