Chukrasia tabularis A.Juss.
Scientific Synonyms:
Previous name used in the website: |
Chukrasia tabularis |
Family name: |
English name: |
Chickrasi Chittagong Wood Chukrasia Chickrassy Indian Redwood
Sinhala name: |
Hulanhik (හුළංහික්) Hirikita (හිරිකිට)
Tamil name: |
Aglai Kaloti Vedivembu Aglay Maleiveppu
Sanskrit name: |
Available soon
Conservation status: |
NT - Near Threatened - NRL - 2020
Description: |
Tree, up to 40 m tall; bole to 25 m, fluted below, to 120 cm diameter; buttresses convex, to 150 cm tall; leafy twigs 4-6 mm diameter, lenticellate. Leaves 30-50 cm, with 6-12 leaflets on each side, more or less short-pubescent; petiole 4-9 cm, swollen at base; leaflets 10-17.5 x 3.5-6.5 cm,; petiolules 2-6 mm. Thyrses 10-30 cm long, primary branches to 16 cm, squarrose to ascending, secondary to 4 cm, bearing fascicles of sweetly-scented flowers; axes short-pubescent; bracts 2-7 (-10) mm,. Petals about 12-16 mm long, creamy green or yellowish, often tinged pink. Infructescence pendulous with up to 6 fruits. Capsule (2.5-) 3.5-5 cm long, 2.5-4 cm diameter, dark brown, lenticellate. Seeds about 1.2 cm long.
Native Distribution Status: |
Edible parts: |
Available soon
Treatment for: |
Parts used in Treatment: |
Related Medical Properties: |
Image will be available soon