Syzygium zeylanicum (L.) DC.
Scientific Synonyms:
Previous name used in the website: |
Syzygium zeylanicum |
Family name: |
English name: |
Spicate Eugenia
Sinhala name: |
Maran (මරන් / මරං ) Yakul maran (යකුල් මරන් / යකුල් මරං )
Tamil name: |
Maranda Mariangi Marung Marungi
Sanskrit name: |
Available soon
Conservation status: |
LC - Least Concerned - NRL - 2020
Description: |
Small tree, - 10 m tall, - 2 m girth, with pale grey-brown, bronze or green smooth or irregular cacked and falky bark. Young leaves pale pink, mature leaf lamina 2.5 - 8 X 0.6 - 4 cm, veriable, lanceolate, thinly coriaceous; base broadly or narrowly cuneate; apex attenuate acuminate; lower surface minutely pitted, drying purplish. Flowers shortly pedicellate, densely clustered in terminal or subteminal axillary racemes, white. Fruit conspicuous milk-white on ripening.
Native Distribution Status: |
Edible parts: |
Available soon
Treatment for: |
Rheumatism Syphilis
Parts used in Treatment: |
Leaves Roots
Related Medical Properties: |
Anti-rheumatic Anti-Syphilitic
Image will be available soon