Jasminum auriculatum Vahl
Scientific Synonyms:
Previous name used in the website: |
Jasminum auriculatum |
Family name: |
English name: |
Jasmine Molle Indian Jasmine
Sinhala name: |
Wal pichcha (වල්පිච්ච) Wekanda (වෑකන්ද)
Tamil name: |
Mullai Uccimalligai
Sanskrit name: |
Conservation status: |
LC - Least Concerned - NRL - 2020
Description: |
Scandent shrub or vine. Leaves opposite, pubescent to glbrate, more or less chartaceous, unifoliolate or with small lareral lobes, trifoliolate; leaflets (including terminal one when laterals present) narrowly elliptic to ovate (or broadly ovate), (1 -) 2 - 3.5 (- 6) X (0.8 -) 1.5 - 2.5 (- 3) cm, margins entire, base rounded, apex acute to rounded, usually with a small apiculum. Inflorescence terminal or with subsidiary axillary shoots from the axils of the uppermost leaves, cymose paniculate, subcorymbose, 12 to many flowered, flowers white. Fruit a paired berry or more often single by abortion, ellipsoid-spheroid, purple-black when ripe.
Native Distribution Status: |
Edible parts: |
Available soon
Treatment for: |
Parts used in Treatment: |
Related Medical Properties: |
Image will be available soon